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Fall-back dwelling


Fall-back dwelling


Kings Nympton, North Devon


Private residential client




Approx. £400k

We were approached by our client to prepare and submit a 'fall-back' full planning application for a new dwelling to supersede an existing Class Q approval to convert a redundant barn on the site, as the Class Q completion date was fast approaching and our client was at risk of losing the permission.


 We're extremely pleased to have gained planning permission for the proposed new dwelling in the North Devon countryside. This is the second such 'fall-back' dwelling we've been successful in achieving planning permission for on the same site, after another successful 'fall-back' application on an adjacent barn.

Whilst the newly approved dwelling retains the overall form and footprint of the existing building, the 'fall-back' position allowed us to implement certain design features that the original Class Q consent doesn't allow such as; installing an external flue for a log burner, increasing the height of the roof to allow for a more comfortable space internally once the ground floor has been insulated and raised, installing roof mounted solar panels, utilising brise soleil in areas, external landscaping works and increasing the residential curtilage beyond the extremely restrictive curtilage provided for by the Class Q permission. 
Another benefit of the 'fall-back' position is that our client now has three years to make a material start on the project compared to the three years to complete the superseded Class Q permission. 

All in all, one very happy client. 

Watch this space for updates on the project as it develops on site.

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